Although we do plan on building dedicated pickleball courts in the future, we are excited about the pickleball opportunities we have started at the club.
Pickleball Policies
- Pickleball will be played only on Courts 3 & 4. You will bring pickleball portable lines (available on amazon made by franklin sports), blue painters tape or use chalk (for now). Use a broom to clean off the lines when you are finished.
- There are small white paint markings on the court to indicate the corners of the court, the center line, the kitchen and baseline that make it much easier to quickly setup your court. The markings are the size of a dime and their are 15 per court, so look closely.
- You MUST make reservations for the court using the court reservation form on this site.
- The website will be changed to indicate if the reservation is for pickleball or tennis
- While we encourage taking lessons to learn how to play the game, you can use the courts now.
- The Pros will be offering instruction and clinics in February.
Current Pickleball Class Schedule:
What is pickleball?
Take a look at this video to learn about the game.
What to bring
All you need for this class and all other levels is a paddle, water bottle, athletic attire, and sun protection.
Which division should I choose?
For a description of skill ratings referenced below, see the USA Pickleball Definition of Player Skill Ratings.
Please note that the coach will evaluate participants at the start of the season and may recommend that a participant move to a more skill-appropriate class. Also, note that beginner and intermediate divisions may be taught together during the same hour with differentiated instruction since both have a primary focus on technique. Whichever division you choose, we strive to keep things welcoming and fun, so come join us for the option that best matches your experience and goals:
BEGINNER (1.0-2.0 skill rating)
For new players, we will focus on learning the rules of the game while providing initial exposure to fundamental technique so that you can enjoy regular participation in recreational gameplay by the end of the season.
PRE-REQUISITES: No experience needed for this division!
INTERMEDIATE (2.0-3.0 skill rating)
For beginner players on the journey to intermediate play, we will continue focusing on technique to develop greater consistency while providing initial exposure to effective strategy principles so that you can enjoy increasingly competitive levels of recreational play and first attempts at tournament play.
PRE-REQUISITES: Those enrolling in this division should have a solid understanding of basic rules and scoring and should be able to regularly sustain short (6-8 hit) cooperative rallies.
ADVANCED (3.0+ skill rating)
For intermediate players on the journey to advanced play, we will shift to a focus on developing high-percentage pickleball strategy while continuing to refine technique to support strategy implementation so that you are prepared to engage in highly competitive recreational play or tournament play. Note that we will focus primarily on doubles pickleball strategy but may also address singles strategy at times if there is interest. Each class will begin with drills and strategy scenarios. The 2nd half of the class is all gameplay so that you can immediately use the skills practiced in the drills.
PRE-REQUISITES: Those enrolling in this division should have fairly consistent serves, return groundstrokes, and dinks, should be on their way toward developing reliable drop shots and volleys, and should be comfortable rallying from both the baseline and the non-volley zone line.
Custom Clinics (3.5+ skill rating): If you have a group of 4 or more who play at a 3.5 or higher level or who have completed one of our advanced classes, we would love to work with you to set up a custom clinic to meet your needs! Please e-mail with a suggested location, day, and time that works for your group.
All Levels: Individuals and small groups of 2-3 players may purchase private lesson credit packages to continue developing their skills. (See “Private Lessons” in the “Services” menu at the top of this page.)